Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Working Towards Winter

Mucho going on right now, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am working on knitting, or more appropriately, I have been finishing up the oodles of knitting projects I started (and almost finished) so that everyone can be warm this winter. It has been so friggin' cold lately that I virtually need no reminder. These are my in-between projects, since I am really (and finally) getting the house completely organized. I have to do this for a couple of reasons:

I will be working on putting together a portfolio, or rather a bunch of painting, since it seems I have a really good chance at showing at a couple of galleries up in the Skagit Valley. I have already spoken to the owner of one gallery, so I am pretty excited. But…. I need to have the house clean and organized so I can focus on my art and not be distracted by all the clutter (mental and physical) and let me mind wonder in a fun and creative manner.

Also, I am expecting a very exciting shipment of fabrics from Denyse Schmidt. She is one of my all-time favorite fabric designers and this new line of hers, Greenfield Hill, is pretty amazing. It really has a 1920s feel to the design and colors, and I love how she is always very crisp and heavy with graphics, not the usual sketchy twee stuff. Oh, and this line has plenty of stuff that can be used for little boys - FINALLY a line that is not all flowers and polka dots. Not only that, she has offered a great deal of voiles in this line, and I have pretty much ordered the entire line. I am so pleased that voile is becoming more available, since it is fabulous for curtains (especially if you want them to look like, um… curtains) and children's clothing, because it is so light and airy, and still make of 100% cotton. Oh, I am going to be in waaay over my head, but I have been forced into trying to make a living for myself and decided to jump in the deep end this time. And since a regular job is pretty much out of the question for me…. I really hope this works out. I know I would buy it. So here is a sneak-peek:

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