Saturday, November 19, 2011

What do you do? and why?

Well, for me, some of you may not know I am a big sucker for animals. I think I probably learned this best about myself, through my two girls. Especially the first, who is now 20 and living on her own, when she decided she didn't want to couldn't be a veterinarian because she couldn't deal with the suffering of animals.
(This is Frankie the Frenchie, my newest addition who has severe allergies.)

So, through my kitchen and up the stairs to the upper half-floor (the technical term) of my 1924 California Bungalow is my fabric studio - the entire upstairs dedication - but downstairs is a home mostly dedicated to my love of dogs (and one little lop-eared Dwarf bunny who lives snuggle on the big front porch.

I garden (past-life degrees, but real), I feed and comfort, I make laugh, and try to encourage smiles and joy. I was not raised with this sort of life, but I feel so graced to have found it for myself, and nothing brings me more joy than to pay forward happiness to others.

I truly believe that creation - through crafting, art, laughter, joy - is one way I can really make my life worth living. We are social by nature, and by cultivating joy and positive imagery - mostly through visual aesthetics and submersing in things we like - makes for a better world. As superficial it may sound on the outside (if you will) it can truly cultivate something deeper and more meaningful. Just as one flame can start a forest fire, so can one idea or thought light the world with love - or at least reach thousands. Do not discount the power of an innocent child, or the power of a single image.

I would like to leave you with a heart-wrenching but beautiful video of this one small boy from inner-Mongolia. Although it may no doubt bring tears, I assure you that you will be left with real joy and inspiration. As always - all comments welcome. :) -Namaste.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Because… less is more.

Truly. I am absolutely in love with voile right now. Because these new fabrics from Denyse Schmidt are so luxurious. As a long-time maker of children's clothing as well as collector of vintage, I have long been wishing that voile was more accessible. Denyse Schmidt read my mind.
One thing I was pleasantly surprised at, though, was the versatility. I'm not just tootin' my own horn, but this cotton is so silky and airy, that it seems to lend itself well to curtains. It is really nice to have more of a choicer than either quilter's cotton or the heavier "home decor" fabrics that you find at your local fabric store; unless you are lucky enough to live in a larger city like Seattle, which I used to drive miles just to visit my fave place on Queen Anne: Nancy's Sewing Basket. (Still great for vintage and antique ribbons, though!)

So here's a little look for you - into my life. I am planning on hemming this stuff - I promise - as well as take you on a little excursion or two in creating some home projects and perhaps even an article of clothing or two. Not sure where I go next. Please feel free to leave comments/suggestions - I may even do a tutorial. ((pressure's on!))

Mrs. Aster Voile, Greenfield Hill, Denyse Schmidt

So, holding this up to my bathroom window, I could not even wait to hem the fabric… or wait for daylight to take a better picture. Here you see it is double, thick, and I cannot even begin to describe how nice this stuff is in person - if only you had feel-i-vision…

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Working Towards Winter

Mucho going on right now, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am working on knitting, or more appropriately, I have been finishing up the oodles of knitting projects I started (and almost finished) so that everyone can be warm this winter. It has been so friggin' cold lately that I virtually need no reminder. These are my in-between projects, since I am really (and finally) getting the house completely organized. I have to do this for a couple of reasons:

I will be working on putting together a portfolio, or rather a bunch of painting, since it seems I have a really good chance at showing at a couple of galleries up in the Skagit Valley. I have already spoken to the owner of one gallery, so I am pretty excited. But…. I need to have the house clean and organized so I can focus on my art and not be distracted by all the clutter (mental and physical) and let me mind wonder in a fun and creative manner.

Also, I am expecting a very exciting shipment of fabrics from Denyse Schmidt. She is one of my all-time favorite fabric designers and this new line of hers, Greenfield Hill, is pretty amazing. It really has a 1920s feel to the design and colors, and I love how she is always very crisp and heavy with graphics, not the usual sketchy twee stuff. Oh, and this line has plenty of stuff that can be used for little boys - FINALLY a line that is not all flowers and polka dots. Not only that, she has offered a great deal of voiles in this line, and I have pretty much ordered the entire line. I am so pleased that voile is becoming more available, since it is fabulous for curtains (especially if you want them to look like, um… curtains) and children's clothing, because it is so light and airy, and still make of 100% cotton. Oh, I am going to be in waaay over my head, but I have been forced into trying to make a living for myself and decided to jump in the deep end this time. And since a regular job is pretty much out of the question for me…. I really hope this works out. I know I would buy it. So here is a sneak-peek:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I took a little opportunity on my trip up to Whidbey Island, to stop and take a few photos. I was a beautiful day for a ride albeit a little too sunny for photos. I thought I would play with my Hipstamatic a little, though...
There is this darling old schoolhouse that I had been wanting to photograph for a while. I am glad they restored it, although I am not sure what it is now used for.

The Belltower.

Great lawn.
My Trumpy.
The Pumphouse - ?
Fruit Trees.
I am looking forward to many more sunny days of gardening and riding in the coming months. Today I bought a couple plants at the local garden/plant event, and was able to sew some Lupine seed, and water the vegetable garden; the Brussels Sprouts are looking awesome!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Little Bit

Not sure why my server is rejecting my photos, so I will make this one short, as I understand myself not wanting to just look at words…

Today I am trying to stay on task (life) and finally go get a haircut and my nails did. That should help, and be a nice reprieve from working in the yard and dealing with real-life stuff. Besides the foot bath should help my feet. Also, I need to remind myself to make that LONG-overdue call to the woman I traded graphic design for a massage, and let her know how fabulous her partner the masseuse was. I am hoping I can let her know why it has taken me so long to return her call, and at the same time see if she/they know anything about massage for FMS and the associated trigger points. That would be nice. I want to try acupuncture, but I am hesitant to do anything even semi-permanent when I am needing to have as many of my symptoms present at this time. Heck, it has already been 10 years (not the 9 I previously thought) which I have been dealing with this…. whats a few more weeks? ;)

P.S. I hope these posts don't sound like downers. I still have lots of spunk left and feel there is much to look forward to, so you will see more pretty things and hopefully inspiring things int he near future! I just know my sense of humor will come back FULL-FORCE - it is right around the corner. I feel it.

Freestylers - Cracks ft. Belle Humble (Flux Pavilion Remix)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

why… why… WHY….?

That is the question…. Why have I not been able to post like I swore to myself I would…?
Well, I think I have a better answer now than the one I had been giving myself: "I am obviously flakey." I knew I have long had issues with short-term memory and lack of organization (for about 9 years now), but all the same it has been very frustrating. I know I love organization and remembering things, as silly as that sounds. So why have I had problems doing this, when I know I am not careless or intentionally flakey? I got the answer yesterday.

 I went to see my doc to address some concerns with what I thought was arthritis. I could still have arthritis but after several questions and answers, she pulled her chair up right in front of me and said the dreaded word: fibromyalgia. I really don't want to drone on with how bad it has been, but I would like to mention how amazing it can be when you have been called a hypochondriac for years, and had all sorts of serious physical complaints that people sort of dismiss as due you being lazy and not wanting to exercise.  So, with the divorce going on full-force, and me just getting papers accusing me of freeloading and not wanting to work (never-mind my occasional inability to remember my own birthdate or forgetting half of all appointments I make) I now have something to shove in the face of my adversarial. I did tell my doc how "I didn't want this diagnosis," and had to tell her that all I have heard about it is that people don't believe it is real (other than all in your head) and that aside from this, my "ex" thinks that anything with the words "disorder" or "syndrome" are not real medical conditions. Her reply was "Obviously he is the smartest man in the world." I do love her.
So, as a glass half full sort of person, I am not only relieved, but I think the timing could not be more perfect. On top of that, perhaps I can get better treatment for the extreme fatigue, chronic aches and pains, and inability to stay on task. Not sure if I really do have ADHD and chronic fatigue and anxiety (all of which I have been treated for in the last several years) or if it all falls under fibromyalgia. In fact, I finally went to look it up, and I have every single characteristic of the condition. So, as I will still go to see a rheumatologist for my hands and feet (and an oral cancer specialist for my tongue due to "bruxing" or grinding, which is another symptom of FM) I will try to take things easy, not be hard on myself, and maybe this will help me relax enough to make time for art, which is what I really truly need right now.

Oh, and here are some pictures of my new (free!) couch and chair I got on Craigslist… a beautiful Arts & Crafts mohair set, in nearly perfect condition.
(What in the hell is a "Mo"???)

P.P.S. Please take a look at the first picture in this post, with the side table next to the couch, and see If you can see a better way to position the table. It is TOTALLY bugging me and my 'spacial organization' section of my brain.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

From A Distant Land...

Here goes.
Finally I now have my iPhone up and running (still too seething to think any more about AT&TooBadSoSad) and can while waiting in line or on hold.

Still trying to geT the house in order, but it really feels like the cold weather is finally getting to get to me. And I suppose housework seems far too mundane. So far this winter, I needed both a new fridge (French doors, stainless) and a new vacuum (Miele, lightweight canister) but I don't think - neigh, I am pretty sure I have not yet gotten the house completely clean in the last six months. I sound like a looser, I know, but I suppose it is my way of claiming territory; no one here to tell me of I am "tidy enough."

So... I have about ten days left, but I would really like to try to get it together sooner; it is so empowering to get and BE organized. Then I can really focus on art and start training for roller derby. Yeah, that's right...

Last weekend I went to check out the Rat City Rollergirls. Not only was it fun, but I have newfound confidence and really think I may be able to pull it off. Although, frankly, the Everett girls seem a bit more Roth around the edges, if you know what I mean. Will post pics when I figure that part out, too. :)

Ciao for now...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Gotta get on the Ball Here...

Can't expect anyone to read this if there are no posts. I have been plenty busy - too busy, in fact - with changing the house, refurbishing the yard (after the horrendous painters) and working on projects - mine as well as others.

That reminds me…. I need to list my chairs on Craigslist.

Anyway, one of the things that I am working on - and SHOULD be posting on regularly - is my art. Here is a piece in progress, that will soon go through the process of encaustics, which I am very exciting about.

Once the (blogging) ball is sufficiently rolling, I am sure I will be posting on at least a somewhat regular basis - I already know of its addiction.

Blessings to all and wishes for a floriferous coming Spring!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Aesthetic voyeurism for gluttony.

Here, I will post, well... whatever I see, like, whatever I like. Photos, color, humor, design, texture, food, fabric, all in my own vein. (Or is that "vain"?)